The Unsocial Media – is it time to turn off and tune in?

We’re so preoccupied with the latest gadgets and Apps whilst being bombarded with messages from websites, forums and blogs (like this one) that we often have the time nor the inclination to think about the things that really matter.
I personally love my iGadgets and digital hookups, but have we become a little too reliant on these products? So much so that it’s sucking up that precious bit of slack we once had.

Edward De Bono believes that ‘the overly used social media’ which defines the modern era is making us intellectually lazy, and that we are too reliant on technology to do the thinking for us. Recent UCLA research confirms this stating that the internet, video games and all manner of technological multitasking is making us less reliant on our magical minds.
Technology and information is obviously useful, but it can be just as useful, or even more productive to say adios to your electronic addictions and hola to some good old time out.
On the toilet, in the shower, on holiday – it’s no secret that we come up with our best thinking when we have space to think things through properly. The world’s most successful inventor, 81 year old Japanese eccentric Dr NakaMats (creator of the floppy disk and hundreds of other house hold inventions), still takes notes while swimming underwater, using his self-designed Plexiglass Waterproof Notepad of course. Underneath the water is the place where he relaxes most, the place where he forgets about everything and from this inspired thoughts flow freely – this is where he comes up with all of his best ideas, and I think he’s onto something.
With Facebook sneakily fading out privacy underneath our indifferent noses, and now Google tracking and monitoring our life with every click, how can we find the space to think? How can we free ourselves from this technological servitude and regain the spontaneity that’s required for truly great ideas to rise and flourish?
Perhaps the next trend will be Unsocial Media? I had an idea come at me today (in the shower of course) for a new App – the Air App™. Plug it in and it automatically shuts off you phone, email, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook and every other supposedly indispensable technological accessory in your life.
You can mimic this experience if you just prepare yourself to do absolutely nothing…
Turn off your computer and your phone…
Take a deep breath and relax…
Btw I should add at this point, please don’t stress, as soon as your AirTime™ has expired, all your Apps and gadgets will return and the technological tsunami will engulf your life once more…
But for a few precious moments right now, hopefully you will be able to think of nothing…
And not think…
And keep embracing the nothingness while you can…
Ah, the luxury of nothing…