12th Jul 2016| by Brands to life

Two businesses merge to become SportsTG

Star Brand Mark for new work STG blog

FOX SPORTS PULSE and IMG Sports Technology Group merge and become SportsTG.

Late last year, FOX SPORTS PULSE and IMG Sports Technology Group merged to form Sports Technology Group Pty Ltd.  We’re happy to announce they’ve now rebranded to SportsTG with the help of the Brands to life™ team.

As a new entity, they wanted to take the time to understand their new combined strength and spirit of the business moving forward before commencing a rebrand. So after some solid brand strategy development for this B2B business, we’ve worked SportsTG to create a new brand with a new vision.

SportsTG, are the leading provider of digital solutions to the sports industry.  Sport is their business, they work with their clients to streamline, simplify and get results. Win/win situations are what they’re all about; they want their clients to win, and they want to help them do it.

They’re a great team at SportTG and we’re looking forward to watching the roll-out of the Rebrand over the coming months when we’ll be able to share some more of their new Brand Touchpoints.