19th Jun 2014| by Brands to life

HubRunner… new Brands to life® Internship

B on green background

Last year we had loads of people asking if Brands to life™ had any Intern positions available –  so we decided to create one. We called the Intern role the HubRunner because we named the position while we were still called HubGroup. If you have a better name for it now we’re Brands to life™ – it just might land you a spot on the team…

Who is the sort of person we’d open our Internship doors to?

Energetic, enthusiastic people who want to get a foot in the door in branding. You’ll need to be on deck a minimum of 12 hours per week. (Over 2 – 3 shifts). It would be better for both you and us to be here for at least 3 months. For you it will be about supporting us day to day while we show you the ropes and take you through our process of branding.

What’s in it for you?

This intern opportunity does not have a salary as it’s more about learning than working –  but we’ll immerse you in branding from strategy to creative and you’ll get a foot in the door, have something for your resume, make some connections and gain some insight into working in a fast paced creative industry.

If you’re interested, drop us a line and tell us why you’d be perfect for this role, add your CV and submit. We’ll get back to you.

Contact us to Submit Your CV