HubGroup rebrands to Brands to life®

A month into our own rebrand from HubGroup to Brands to life™, I am still being asked by people why we decided to rename the business.
It’s mostly our clients (hi clients) posing this question… and my resounding answer is because, “Brands to life™, isn’t that exactly what we do for you?” When HubGroup was established some 10 years ago, there were few boutique branding agencies who were also able to execute creatively through advertising, digital and design touchpoints like HubGroup did. That was us, we led the way with a tight senior group and pulled in the right talented people to bolster the team as required and that’s why we were HubGroup. But now, we have so much energy and talent in the agency and being able to execute on the brand strategy we develop for businesses is what we thrive on and what we want to talk about. We’re a branding agency and a creative agency.
So to our lovely clients who have asked me about the brand refresh – we’ve renamed because of the work we do with you. After all, we bring your Brands to life™… we don’t HubGroup them. 🙂